You’re probably not intending to go here

On November 21, 2014 In Uncategorized

No seriously. If you’re here to see posts about Pathfinder also known as T-509 click here: Life Squared Away

I found a while ago that I did a lot less posts about my work and hobbies after I got my boat. So ya. Click there instead of here. Seriously.


A busy few weeks with a lot of good news

On November 02, 2011 In Boat, Captains Log, News, Uncategorized

Hey all. So a number of things have gone on.

  1. We moved the boat! We’re back at Pier 4 for winter again.
  2. I piloted the ship out of TIM (thanks to Mitch giving me guidance on how to handle the ship) so now I’m no longer called “Swabby” by Dad.
  3. The best news is that on Halloween I asked Jeannie to marry me and she said yes. :D
So now we have to come up with some wedding dates etc around all of our busy schedules, while I’m still working on the boat, and while Jeannie is studying for her exams. Whee! I’m back to being silly busy… Wait… I never stopped being silly busy. Oh well. A change is as good as a rest they say.
Here is a map of our path. I took it out at TIM and headed straight across to Pier 4. Right where there’s the circle is where Mitch took over since the wind was starting to play tricks with us and so I got on the ropes to help creep us along the walls with the ropes (special thanks to Shane as well for helping with the lines despite his hangover from the night before. :P)

View Saturday October 29 2011 in a larger map

After our motor across the harbor and when we tied up Dad gave me an official Pathfinder Captains hat as he had said that I’d only be captain when I had taken it out myself and docked it. Well I didn’t get to dock it but I did undock it and get it almost all the way there myself which is good enough. Next year it’ll be easier to learn since we’ll have proper instruments and what not to help us. And who knows! We might have the wedding party there! Go for a cruise with the families. Time shall tell.


On May 24, 2011 In Uncategorized

So ya. I spent the rapture with my number 1 gal on the boat for the 3pm time slot and the I was having poutine with pulled pork at the 6pm time slot. Not a bad way to spend the beginning of the end of the world really :)

Our friend Harrod Camping has revised his A-Plane to heaven schedule in the wake of absolutely nothing happening at his given time (minus the nearly 100million dollars he apparently made during this prediction) to October 21st which is when in his original prediction the world was going to end as a whole. Originally Rapture was supposed to be May 21st followed by 5 months of hell for the rest of us left behind. NOW it’s going to be 5months of hell THEN the rapture. But that’s ok because apparently on top of this people WERE raptured… SPIRITUALLY!!!! Soooo I suppose that gives the green light to everyone who’s been raptured to be complete jerks to their fellow man since they’re now spiritless? Whatever. In any case the plans to help defeat the apocalyptic heat that we’ll have will include installing an AC unit into the boat sometime this year. So HA! Take THAT brimstone!


On May 17, 2011 In Uncategorized

Or not as I have milk that expires on May 22nd therefore the raptures date (as discerned by Mr.Camping) May 21st can’t be accurate.

Anyways I do have some animal related posts to put up but I have a few things to get sorted out first (ie photos and some maps as to where I’ve seen the animals around the islands). BUT being an avid fan of end of the world predictions, conspiracy theories and other tin foil hat wearing shenanigans I can’t just leave this one alone. So what is this end of he world prediction based on I hear you wonder. WELL let us let the math do the talking.

First off according to bible scholars Jesus was put on the cross on April 1 33AD (worst April fools prank ever).

Between April 1 33AD and April 1 2011AD there’s 1978 years.

1978 x 365.2422 (number of days per year) = 722,449

722,449 + 51 (number of days between April 1st and May 21st) = 722,500

So what right? WELL here’s where the shocker comes. Did you know that 722,500 = ( 5 x 10 x 17 ) ^2? (The little ^2 means to the power of 2 or in this case Squared)

So ya. Again… So what right? Well according to Camping:

5 = atonement

10 = completeness

17 = heaven

AMAZING!… Wait… Where did those numbers come from? As far as I can tell he just pulled them out of the air. No proof. Just his belief. Yup. That’s it.

Instead lets say that 722,500 represents Waffles. So this May 21st HOIST a waffle up high for international Waffle Worship Day! Or according to a group in Florida its international Gator day. So take your pick. I plan on having waffles though.

Random Musings on Fantasy Stories

On May 10, 2011 In Uncategorized

I have lots to write about I just never seem to sit down and actually tell the tales via my blog. Primarily because I get distracted by, well, distractions or I’m just not in the mood to write. For instance today I wanted to do a post on the animals I’ve encountered at TIM so far but I realize that I haven’t uploaded all my photos for them yet. I also want to write about the crazy windy storm that happened this past thursday but I haven’t uploaded a video one of the captains at TIM took on the tender showing the waves and primarily the hurricane force winds (No that’s not an exaggeration).

But here I am, not writing about either. Instead I’ve been thinking about a lot of what if scenario’s and how they’d work out in a story. Like the Lord of the Rings books is all set in the past with dwarves, elves and the like but their species were all sort of just fading away into history or whatever. Which begs the question why? They weren’t any less adaptable as humans really. Sure they were set in their very ancient ways but no more so than man. I brought this up to one of my colleagues at my office and pointed out that there doesn’t seem to be any fantasy type moves set in the now. Which she promptly shot down by pointing out that our action films are modern day fantasies. In “ye olde” fantasies it was usually all about some ancient artifact or king or whatever with some big event threatening to change the face of the earth. In todays action films though they’re basically the same thing. Since both have a good vs evil aspect to it and some hero(s) that have to do something to save the world. So there goes my hopes for a modern day Lord Of The Rings I suppose since it’d basically be “Die Hard” meets “Sum Of All Fears”. sigh

Anyways I’m currently reading “Dune” which is a great book and I’m thinking of picking of “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” next since zombie literature is (oddly enough) quite good at times.

Stromboli the pizza roll with an identity crisis

On March 09, 2011 In Movies, Uncategorized

This is a bit of a messed up meal. I had never given it any thought until someone at the office pointed out that Stromboli is the name of a place. But first, BEHOLD! This is a Stromboli.


Basically it’s a pizza that has been rolled up. That’s about it. It makes eating an entire log of cheese and peperoni very easy (why you WOULDN’T want to eat this I have no idea). However, when I made mention of what the heck I was eating at the office on of the guys made mention that Stromboli was in fact a place! So began the hunt for information on this King of log like lunches. Fortunately we quickly found this Wikipedia article on it: Stromboli food

Which says that this was actually named after this movie:


Starring Ingrid Bergman and Roberto Rossellini. Which is about how 2 people married so that the lead ladies character can avoid being imprisoned… somehow. Anyways the hubbies home town is Stromboli which is where most of the drama occurs… Apparently. I haven’t seen it so I can’t make comment.

So here we now have a Lunch Log named for a movie that was named for the town Stromboli. A rather round about way to get a name I must say. Which brings to question… how many other movies or food have this bizarre treatment? For instance Jet Lee’s movie “Hero” could be named after the sandwich! Hulk Hogan could be named after Hogan’s Heroes which was named after a Hoagie sandwich! This conspiracy of food inspired movies and movie inspired foods runs deep I think.

Still here in body only

On December 30, 2010 In Uncategorized

It’s been a rather busy few weeks which is why there hasn’t been any updates to ye olde blog. I should be uploading some interior photos of the boat along with some info on where things are and how things are going.

A quick version right now is that we’ve got all the parts to the heating system either installed or ready to be installed. So ya. Heat has been the major focus for us so far so it’s been rather difficult with how the winter had super sub zero temperatures with the wind chill for a while there. Fortunately we’re on the home stretch now.

Anyways I’ll give a more detailed overview of what has gone on and what life aboard has been like lately and even a mini crash course in migraines that are caused by weather effects. Sounds weird but weather can (and is) a major trigger for migraines. So is a lack of coffee in the morning… Well…. Maybe not that last one there but anyways I’m off to get some.

Hooks in a public shower

On December 03, 2010 In Uncategorized

Ok. So this is going to be a pedantic point but I’ve come to the conclusion that there is an opitmal number of hooks for a single person to have in a public shower.

Currently I’m using the marina shower and bathroom facilities for my daily ablutions. These are locked off from the public so they’re only public in so much as anyone in the marina can use them at any time. Regardless I’ve discovered that there is a optimal amount of equipment required per shower stall for anyone to be truly comfortable. Here’s the requirements:

  • 1 bench or stool
  • 1 rubber mat outside the shower that drains quickly
  • 3 hooks on the wall. Minimum.

The last one is the MOST important. You can get by with out the rest but you NEED 3 hooks. Currently there are only 2 hooks per shower stall. This is not enough. Let me explain why 3 is the optimal number. You need 1 for your coat/jacket/heavy sweater/umbrella or whatever you wore on the outside on the way here. You want this hook to be separate from the others just to make sure if your coat is wet you don’t have your other stuff piled on it. The NEXT hook is for your toiletries bag which could contain your clothing to change into as well (the bench could also be used for this but if you’re long of leg pants will be draped partially onto the floor which means you’ll have wet spots on your pants. Finally a hook for your towel. Some heathens may suggest to put this with your toiletries. MADNESS I say to them! If you need to get something from your bag the towel is in the way! And what happens when you need to start changing? The towel is in the way still! PLUS your pants after the shower could have a wet towel over them briefly. Which means that they’re either damp, or smell damp. This is not the road to happiness.

If you, or your loved ones, know of a public shower that has only 2 hooks and not 3 please report them.

That is all.

Holy crap… It’s December!

On December 01, 2010 In Boat, Uncategorized

Who’s done all their Christmas shopping raise their hands… … … Good I’m not the only one that hasn’t done it yet either. WHEW!

I, like many in my family (read all), find it incredibly difficult to get into the Christmas “mood” when there isn’t any snow around. While my parents house has certainly had snow since they’re further north than I am it isn’t exactly white up there yet. To use a phrase that’ll make me sound a skillion years old, when I was a kid I remember having snow that hung around by the end of October. Seriously. No lie! I literally got dressed in my Halloween costume, threw on a winter coat and go trudging with my parents to get that sugary loot we were all after back then.

Annnnnd then there’s now. It’s been pouring rain for nearly 3 days straight now. When we DO get snow Toronto wusses out and calls in the army to clear out the snow. For Pete’s sake (which Pete is referred to in that phrase I’ll never know. Lets go with Peter Jackson director of Lord of the Rings… That sounds about right.) this town used to get snowed in regularly, now we get a few days of heavy snow and all hell breaks loose? Sheesh.

Now… I do have to admit that there is 1 bonus to a distinct lack of winter weather right now. That is… the temperature. We now HAVE the heater for the boat but we have to get time to install the sucker and run the hoses to the radiators. So ya. Not all bad. But it doesn’t make it any easier to get all Christmasy with this weather we have.

I wonder how many people would get behind moving Christmas to say January so we at least have snow? I mean think about it. New Years typically has snow. There’s already a party going on. Why not merge the 2 celebrations? Or better yet make them run back to back so everyone can just nurse one horrific hangover after 2 days of partying instead of doing it twice in the span of a week or so. Hmmmm… ;)

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