On July 29, 2010 In Boat, News
I meant to post this earlier but a lot of work has gone into the boat lately. Also with work being nuts as it is I haven’t really had any decent time to sit down and finish the load of 1/2 finished blog posts I have stashed away (most notably the next day in the article series on my trip from Eastport to Toronto). Anyways here’s a photo of the boat cargo hold before:
And here’s the after pregrouting
And here’s a series of the tiled cargo hold from in the cargo hold looking in various directions.
The lighter area is where the master bath is going to go. In there will be a largish stand-up shower, the incredible electric toilet and the vanity. My sister had some neat ideas about what to do for lighting in there along the lines of a large LED Shoji screen Plexiglas wall. I think I may have to do this with RGB LED arrays so I can do funky effects on the wall itself (ie Sun Rises, Sun sets etc).
Also note the total absence of stairs. The spiral staircase is dead and gone! HUZZAH! As awesome as spiral staircases are in theory they’re quite terrible in practice unless the steps are over 2′ wide each and at that size you might as well just go with a standard kite winder stairway. We put in a stainless steel straight staircase which you can’t see since it had to be lifted out of the way for the tiling.
I’ll post more photos of the progress at the end of this weekend since more painting on the exterior and more interior stuff will be removed by then.
Just a quick update on the boat progress now. The new hatch in the concrete floor has been cut and the concrete removed with GREAT difficulty and the wood for the walls for the master bath has been fastened to the floor. We’re now ready for tiling which starts this Wednesday. This weekend I’m taking off because I’m absolutely wasted and to giving the tiling and grouting some timing to finish hardening. The next big jobs are to put the walls up and run the wiring for the cargo hold along with clearing out the V-Birth to get ready for reno’s in there too.
HUGE thanks to my parents and my sister for all their help. I guess I’ll be doing slave labour for a few years now huh?
I’ll post photos of the work once I get back tonight.
On July 07, 2010 In Boat, News
This past weekend and the prior 2 days was unusually busy for me. First off the best girl in the world came up to see me (You know who you are) and for the next 4 days we did some shopping, some working (I had to work this past Friday between Canada Day and Saturday), some exploring of Center Island and a LOT of working on the boat.
We got the spiral staircase cut out and the new staircase put in. Sadly the spiral staircase had to go, it was simply too small to use daily and generally we injured ourselves on it more often than not. My Dad had a straight Stainless steel staircase that he was using as a ladder for his boat up north that we’ve re-purposed into my new steep stairway. This will give us a lot more usable space around the cargo hold itself and afford us a huge bathroom for the boat.
A lot of painting was done too! Nearly the entire port side was repainted black and she’s looking really good now.
This week and weekend will be mainly cleaning up the cargo hold to get ready for the tiling and walls etc. So ya. Things are moving well now.
Special thanks to Mom, Dad, and K. Extra special thanks to my hun!
On July 05, 2010 In Boat, Captains Log
Yesterday we decided that we would try to leave later at night with the tide just to make the passage that much quicker. The speed part worked out well as we were able to hit 10 knots while in the area outside of Eastport with the islands, the down side was that with minimal lighting and basically no light from the moon that night we couldn’t see the buoys at all. To solve this Neil and myself went out onto the bow with flash lights to light up the buoys as we could find them. Let me tell you that breeze from the ocean is cooooooooooooooooold. So it took us a bit more time to get out of that area and into the actual ocean than we had anticipated and the entire journey part went off with no more of a hitch than going down the wrong side of an island part way requiring us to double back on our path. No biggie really.
Now that I we were out in the ocean we could start our shifts which was 2 people awake for 6hrs, then another 2 people awake for 6hrs. Since it was my turn off I could rest and relax… HAHA Just kidding. The “calm” weather that we were told about was technically “calm” for that stretch of the ocean. By calm they mean 10 to 12 foot waves constantly tossing us. Fortunately our course aimed us straight into the waves so we pounded through them fine enough. UNFORTUNATELY I discovered that I get violently sea sick in those conditions and spent the next day (yes ALL night and all day pretty much) hurling onto the back deck.
Pro tip to those that get motion sickness and plan to take on a trip such as this. Do NOT have rum and cokes, fish and chips, and red wine right before heading on out. Tangy was the flavour and disgusting was the experience.
So anyways my shift began which I pretty much just tried to soldier through as much as possible between bouts of “christening the back deck”. Things were going fine until near the end of my shift when disaster struck. The steering became increasingly difficult to operate at all to the point where steering was near impossible to keep a steady course (of which we had had a hard time due to the waves and the inaccurate steering system anyways but this enhanced it 10 fold). Little did we know that at this point the start of a long series of problems was just beginning. My Dad woke up from his night early and Jon and I informed him of the issue with the steering system. We decided we’d go down and see the issue first hand.
The steering system is a custom and overly complicated mess of pipes and pumps. Behind the steering wheel is a sort of mini-pump that when turned pushes steering fluid down to a compressor pump that ups the pressure from the engine turning. That is kept full by a resevoir that is nearby the pump and the fluid is kept cool by a cooling system attached to a pipe on the water intact for the engine. FINALLY we get to the pipes that go to the piston that turn the rudder. What broke or what we SHOULD have noticed that broke before we did what we thought was a good idea was the belt that ran the compressor pump on the engine. We should have noticed this and just soldiered on but we decided to stop the engine to see if there was something we could do. A few things were going on at once at this point that we hadn’t fully thought through. First off the waves were coming from the South South East direction while we were heading more or less South and on top of that the wind was coming from the South East. When we shut the engine off to have a look we lost steerage (like in a car if you’re not moving forward you can’t steering) and were hit by a big wave that turned us sideways to the waves. This rolled us extremely dramatically throwing cargo and people all over the place. My Dad at the wheel at that point hollered down for us to get the engine back running. An operation which I had not done before nor had Jon who was with me. So I was hitting the switches and hollered that I had no idea how to do this. Jon to his credit was a sea of calm during this and just said “Calm down. We’ll be alright.” at which point my brain instantly painted a picture of us capsizing and drowning while locked in the engine room. I managed to get the engine back running regardless and we got steerage back. So we took 5 (oddly enough I wasn’t sea sick during this moment of terror) and then surveyed the damage. The entire saloon/galley area was trashed. The table was overturned, provisions were thrown all over the place but the only casualities were a bottle of beer and a jar of pickles. Once those 2 smells had combined and heated up I naturally took my spot at the stern hurling some more. Yay me.
As a point of interest Neil pretty much slept through all of this. The guy is crazy. He was smiling like a maniac while at the wheel when we were pounding through the waves. I basically took mini cat naps between bouts of hurling. To add to this part of the journey we believe there is something happening with the electrical system as some things seem to be acting a bit weird at times (Radar, and radio most notably). This is not a good sign since we have to dock at Cape Cod in the middle of the night.
(Tune in next week for the rest of the hurling express. I should be adding the next article when I have a few minutes to myself.)
On July 02, 2010 In Media